The Western Australian Farmers’ Markets Association announces a 2018 research collaboration with the
In 2018, the University of Western Australia (UWA) will be working with the Western Australian Farmers’ Markets Association (WAFMA) to...
Healthy Food - Heart Foundation
Visit the Heart Foundation’s Healthy Active by design national website that features creating liveable spaces including ‘Healthy Food’...
Boots Foor Change Project Wins 2017 Philanthropy Australia Award
The Australian Farmers'Market Association (AFMA) national BOOTS FOR CHANGE 2016 project has been highly acclaimed at the 2017 Philanthro
Trade Measurement - "Harvest to Home" National Compliance Programme
In February 2017 the National Measurement Institute (NMI) will commence a national compliance programme targeting the weighing, packing...
Australian Farmers Market Association
The Australian Farmers Market Associations new website has launched, discover all you need to know about farmers’ markets right across...
Liquor Control Regulations
From the 11th January 2017 there have been changes to the Liquor Control Regulations 1989 that all WA Farmers Market managers need to be...